Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sick II

Now I am getting sick.

I can feel it in my throat.

I cough.

I sneeze.

You should now stay away from me.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Husband has been sick all weekend, poor guy. He came home from work on Thursday, stayed home sick Friday, slept most of Saturday and all of today.

I wish I could wave some magic wand and make him better. It breaks my heart to have him not feel well. And the Nyquill doesn't seem to cut it. Sad.

Get better soon honey!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Husband and I are waiting on our psychology grade. Why must this teacher be soooo slow? My other two teachers had our grades posted 5 days ago! One of which posted it within 24 hours of our final! Why can't this teacher be like him?

Maybe I'm just extra anxious because thus far I've received AWESOME grades, and I hope to get something very similar with this class. I guess I'll just have to be patient.


Still waiting....


Patience isn't all its cut out to be.