Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Vigilance! Constant Vigilance!

Tim and I celebrated 6 months of marriage a few days ago. Honestly, the 6 months went by so fast, I was thinking it was like 4. But to think it has been half a year already is quite fantastic. It is a manifestation of the old adage, "time flies when you are having fun" and we have definitely been having fun.

However, to the outsider there is not much to report in those 6 months of marriage: school, cats, new jeep, broken washer, new kitchen table, still broken car, tv know, the basics of new married life.

Though there are some unfortunate aspects of time passing so quickly:

  • When one says, "we can do that in a few months" and next thing you know, its been a few months and you still don't have the money or time
  • Time everywhere has passed quickly and events that seem like they took place last week really took place months ago
  • And the WORST of all: people will expect you to start having kids soon (which by the way, I am still attempting to dispel the rumor started on Facebook that am prego. I AM NOT PREGNANT!!!)

Wanted or not, time is going to pass regardless. But I have decided that am going to attempt to keep track of it more vigilantly. And while keeping track, I shall make the most of it while my husband and I continue to have many, many months of marriage ahead of us. =)

1 comment:

Tom and Tami said...

You think time goes by fast now, wait until you do have kids. With how fast kids grow up it makes time speed up instantly. Pretty soon you'll be sending your baby off to Kindergarten and thinking "wasn't it just yesterday we didn't have any kids, just the worries of school, work and cats?" And yet, there you'll be... enjoy the NOW while you can.