Saturday, September 1, 2012

Updates and Such

Note:  I don't know why part of this post has a white background. I tried to fix it to no avail.  Please just try to ignore it.  

It was established a long time ago that I am awful at blogging.  Awful.  And even now that I have something to write about, like having a baby, I’ve been a slacker.  I fear I am doomed to never become that blogger that makes it big because everyone is reading her posts and sponsoring herbecause uh, you have to actually blog in order for that to happen.  And followers.  You need followers... Which I only have a handful of.  The good thing is I didn’t set out on this blog trip with the purpose of having monetary success.  Phew.  Good thing indeed.

We found out we were pregnant on March 26th.  And announced it to our friends/family on Mother's Day, May 13th.  We found out we are having a girl on June 14th, at 16 weeks, through a study we are doing at the University of Utah (I pretty much just get extra ultra sounds which is awesome, and I will help pregnant women in the future with the data they gather).  Our official baby gender ultrasound was on July 5th at 19 weeks - they confirmed what they said on the 14th of June.  So girl it is!  

So Husband and I are having a girlwhich, I’m not gonna lie, I’m THRILLED about.  A boy would be fun, but as there is a massive shortage of females in my family, I was hoping we’d get a girl.  And we did.  Though, Husband will tell you that he has known for YEARS that we would have a girl first.  And I’m glad he was right.

A girl means pink. Dresses. Dress-up. Disney princesses. Dolls. Cats. Ballet. Makeup. And those are just the stereo-typical girl items.  If she is anything like me, it will also mean sports, bugs, rock-climbing, theatre, snowboarding, campingthanks to those five brothers of mine.  And knowing her fathershe will likely lean more towards the not-as-girly items.  But we’ll see.  There are some necessary girly things she must learn, and I and her aunties will teach her that.  I do know that each person has such a different personality regardless of parents, so, we’ll see what she what personality she has.   

Her personality!  Oh how I can’t wait to meet her and know what she is like!  And that is just one of the many things I can’t wait for.

So baby updates. 

I first felt our little lady the end of June.  I probably felt her sooner, but as this is my first baby, and I didn’t know what it feels like, I probably told myself my stomach was just making grumbly movements and it wasn't her, when it really was.  I know I felt her on June 21st.  We were in the car driving up to Seattle and I felt very distinct movement in the belly, which I know wasn't tummy grumblies.  It was crazy but awesome at the same time.  Now she moves around all the time.   She still isn’t so big that the movement is annoying, it’s just fun.  On August 16th she was kicking me quite a bit so I placed my hand on my baby belly and watched as she kicked my hand on the outside of my tummy.  It’s fun to watch the bumps on the outside and not just feel them on the inside.  That Sunday my mom was able to feel her kick as well.  Thus far she is most active when Husband is not around, so he hasn't had the opportunity to feel her yet either.  Sad.  I can’t wait until he can feel her.

I had the much dreaded "glucose test" this last week.  For those of you who haven't been pregnant this is a test most providers have you do during between 24 - 28 weeks.  For the test they have you drink a sugar solution that contains 50 grams of glucose. The stuff tastes like you are drinking straight soda syrup.  At the University of Utah they offer 3 flavors: orange, lemon lime and fruit punch.  You have to drink it all in 5 minutes.  You then wait an hour, and then they draw your blood to see your glucose levels.  The results of this test can be an indicator of gestational diabetes.  I have heard awful things about this test, well, about the glucose substance they have you drink.  I've heard that it is super sweet and sickening and that most women have a hard time getting it down.  So that is what I was expecting.  I chose the fruit punch flavor and took my first sip.  It wasn't that bad.  It was as though I was drinking Hawaiian Punch.  I had no problem getting it down.  I guess the dread was for nothing.  Though as I told my doctor that it wasn't so bad, she said, “you must have had the fruit punch flavor” which was the same thing the medical assistant said when I told her it wasn't so bad.  But they both said the orange is awful.  Ladies, word to the wise, if you have the option to choose fruit punch, do it.  

I've been feeling really well, just a little tired and I have awful heartburn (this little lady had better have a LOT of hair  if there is anything to that old wives’ tale).  I have been walking and swimming as often as I can to stay in shape.  I was going to do the Disneyland Half Marathon this weekend with my dear friend because I signed up for it way prior to becoming pregnant, but near the end of July my hip and back hurt quite a bit when I jogged and I decided I should probably pass this year.  Breaks my heart, but I wanted to do what is best for my little one.

So here are some of the baby bump photos.  I’m taking more this Tuesday at 28 weeks, so you can see the progression of the little lady. 

I'm a little dorky in some of these picks.  I blame being pregnant.  Ha ha.  

20 Weeks  

24 Weeks


Joanne said...

You are beautiful! And yes, the orange is horrible. Way to choose wisely!

Geeta and Tim said...

You're looking beautiful as ever. I wish I was where you are. I guess one good thing about being diabetic is there's no need for me to do the glucose test.
I'm so excited you're having a girl, she will be the cutest thing ever. I just know it!

Tom and Tami said...

I didn't think the orange was that bad. The best was my first doctor who let you choose the drink OR a king size Snickers bar. Of course I went with the Snickers. Best breakfast I've ever had :)
Try to keep up the journaling, best advise I can give you (that and learn to put the baby to bed awake. Makes for a much easier baby).
Sorry, i'm just an excited aunt and sister :)